Silver: This is the Basic Product that starts with 2 actors and a one day project.
Price:20,000/- INR***
Gold: It’s a bit higher product comprising 3 actors and two day projects
Price:29,000/- INR***
Diamond: It’s a three day shooting with 5 actor with the pocket pinch of 66,000/- INR***
Platinum: It’s a 5 day shooting with 10 actor with the pocket pinch of 1,30,000/- INR***
Titanium : It’s a 10 day project and one of the exclusive project and approximately costs 3,70,000/- INR ***
***Please note there will be additional Rs. 5000/- in all sections for Pre-Production Charges***
****All this service rate may vary a bit with shooting date ,time, locations as this are illustrative and are in basic pricing mode****
In this category all Products are in DAY BASIS pricing . And so there is less chance of Price fluctuation in total Pricing . Additional
5000/- will be levied as usual in all five projects .
Silver Plus : Two Actor project with Price tag of 17,430/- INR /day or one shift
Gold Plus: It’s a 5 actor project with Pricing of 23,140/- INR/day or one shift
Diamond Plus : It’s a 7 actor project & costs may varies between 39000/- to 41000/- INR/day or one shift
Platinum Plus: 10 actor project with pocket pinch of 60,714/- INR per day or one shift
Titanium Plus: 10 actor project but a exclusive project with industry standard high end camera can be used like Alexa Arri, Red Epic, Canon Mark 5D etc. with pricing between 97,000 INR to 100000/- per day or one shift